Monday, December 1, 2008


Hermanos and Sisters,

I'm BIZAAACCKKK! I've been away since our U.S. tour but I'm finally back on here and plan on staying here for a while. I've had many writing projects in my mind but before one builds an empire one must start with building oneself. I've been in the stages of doing just that and will be until the day the book of my life closes. However, I've finally gotten to a point in my life where I can sit down and write. And gosh darnit write is exactly what I plan to do.

Some of you may have noticed that you can't find me on Facebook or Myspace anymore. Thats because Facebook decided to delete my account and I decided not to reactivate it. Myspace...well Myspace has always been a source of much aggravation in my life. To avoid the drama and prevent the rampant waste of time in mine and other lives I've decided to remain Facebook and Myspaceless. I'm not knocking either of them or anyone on them... (as a matter of fact you can still hit me up on my group's page But I do feel that having this here blog is the grown and sexy way of communicating with the world. Ju no wa I mean??? Je...ju no wa I mean. So with that written expect to see many an entry relating to the times, thoughts, ideas, realizations, observations and pretty much anything that comes to mind. I hope you read them and enjoy. If you choose not to that's cool too cause I'm going to put words out there anyway. An avid fisherman once told me that it didn't matter whether he caught any fish when fishing. What matters is that while he's fishing....he's at peace.

On that note...Peace, Paz, Salaam,


Oculto said...

yo Mr. Tranz himself! whats good bro! good to see you're back, however, I think I took the cake for being gone!

Jay said...


Welcome back homie....

I'll stay tuned

Paste, Love, Salami

La Chucana said...

gracias por invitarme a tu blog.

me encanta leer tus historias y anecdotas.

ditto por lo de myspace y cara de libro. i have both and i am trying to get rid of them. i am just making it easier for big brother to track me down. jajajajaja

keep writing. i'll keep reading.

"la chucana"