Over the past few months my life has resembled a plate of food at one of my family's Christmas Eve parties. You got Mami's rice con gandules, her PERNIL, her jamon, Sis's string beans, Turkey, cornbread, collard greens, mac & cheese, others Sis's mashed potatoes, sweet potato jump off, My lady's apple pie, pecan pie etc, etc, etc, and more etc's. There's a whoooole lot of stuff on that plate! It's teetering....it's tottering and there's so much on that plate that it can be tough to decide what to attack first. BUT IT MUST BE CONQUERED! Because it will be sooooo goood. However, chances are that in a few hours or the next day...you might not regret what happened...but you sure don't appreciate your stomach's attitude.
That's how it's been for me. Graduating from college, getting into a job realizing the job I'm in isn't exactly where I want to be in, trying to make ends meet because I'm not getting what I know I'm worth or need to survive, managing familia, my other half and working for the good of others. It's been overwhelming.
Now I planned on writing an entry that would take some time to read. Just to get it all out. Letting all the “Demons” that fly around our heads know “They have no place here”. Because as a I've written in previous postings we all have a genius. It's bills and drama that will make one's genius feel insignificant. I planned on writing all of that but things began to fall into place. All I had to do was breathe. Just breathe brothers and sisters. It's the breathing that we forget to do that gets us into trouble. You know what helped me breathe today...it was four words that Brother Justice told me today.
“Doubt is a Demon”...that's all ya need recall. “Doubt is a Demon”.
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