Those are the words I'd here from Mami when I was a little boy. Whenever I asked for something, asked when we were go to PR, or when we we getting something...that's how she'd reply.
I now find myself in the the un dia desto world.
Economically I'm stuck leading me to be mentally exausted...all I can ever tell un dia desto
Un dia desto=One of these days.
It repeats itself in my mind endlessy. The only thing keeping my mouth and nose our of water sometimes.
I look forward to the day when I can tell myself and others...Hoy.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I've been sick for the past few days so I've spent most of my time experiencing cabin fever as I lay and read on my bed. I've had plenty of time to think and ponder life's enduring queries. Why are we here? What are we supposed to be doing? Is there intelligent life on planet Earth. All of these thoughts have flooded my mind and penetrated my soul as I attempt to better understand. But there's one question I've kept asking myself. One that has kept me awake in the early morning hours when I should be getting those last minutes of rest before my day begins. If anyone out there can answer it or point me in the direction of it's origins I'd greatly appreciate. I'll patiently and thoughtfully write my query below.
Monday, December 15, 2008
“Doubt is a Demon”- Brother Justice

Over the past few months my life has resembled a plate of food at one of my family's Christmas Eve parties. You got Mami's rice con gandules, her PERNIL, her jamon, Sis's string beans, Turkey, cornbread, collard greens, mac & cheese, others Sis's mashed potatoes, sweet potato jump off, My lady's apple pie, pecan pie etc, etc, etc, and more etc's. There's a whoooole lot of stuff on that plate! It's's tottering and there's so much on that plate that it can be tough to decide what to attack first. BUT IT MUST BE CONQUERED! Because it will be sooooo goood. However, chances are that in a few hours or the next might not regret what happened...but you sure don't appreciate your stomach's attitude.
That's how it's been for me. Graduating from college, getting into a job realizing the job I'm in isn't exactly where I want to be in, trying to make ends meet because I'm not getting what I know I'm worth or need to survive, managing familia, my other half and working for the good of others. It's been overwhelming.
Now I planned on writing an entry that would take some time to read. Just to get it all out. Letting all the “Demons” that fly around our heads know “They have no place here”. Because as a I've written in previous postings we all have a genius. It's bills and drama that will make one's genius feel insignificant. I planned on writing all of that but things began to fall into place. All I had to do was breathe. Just breathe brothers and sisters. It's the breathing that we forget to do that gets us into trouble. You know what helped me breathe was four words that Brother Justice told me today.
“Doubt is a Demon”...that's all ya need recall. “Doubt is a Demon”.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Hermano En La Struggle's Epiphany
I got home exhausted tonight. After running faster than Forest on an elliptical machine and showering I drove home ready to relax and listen to the smooth sounds of Lauryn Hill. I don't care what anyone says... she'll always be a Queen in my eyes no matter how the media portrays her. She sang to me as got my food ready and glided from side to side in my cocina. Running 4 miles will give you the munchies more than any illegal substance you could possibly take. The best part is that the high you get from running lasts all day and doesn't impair judgement. It actually opens up your focus and helps blood flow to the brain so that you can come up with clever phrases like...“running faster than Forest”.
After my brief meal I hit up the blog world and prepared to write this entry. Then I noticed the blog of an “Hermano En La Struggle”. He submitted words that expressed what many working for the betterment of the world feel. In it he admits that he has come to the realization that he will never be monetarily rich. But that won't change his mission of helping brothers and sisters the world over because that's what will profit his soul. AMEN AND POWER TO YA HERMANO! After reading his entry I recalled a gift that one of my sisters had given me years ago. It's a small plaque that had one of the most motivational phrases I've ever read. “We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give”. OOHHH SNAAAP! My corpus callosum (structure that connects the left and right sides of the brain) trembles at the mere thought of that phrase. Now mind you...this life isn't for everyone. The problem is that some don't see that good can be done one act at a time. Others don't even see the good they do on a daily basis. Some raise their children the right way. Instill respect, honor, and compassion into their seeds. Well guess doing so you've planted a tree that can grow sky high and reflect all that is just. As my “Hermano En La Struggle wrote, all you need to do is one good act at a time. That alone can be revolutionary. If you don't want to do something big well just be nice to people, smile, donate a few hours a month to help out a community org, tutor someone, pick up a coin that someone dropped and say “Here you go sister (or brother)”, don't curse out the person that cut you off and instead pray that he or she is not in such a hurry because his or her loved one is spiritually never know what good small acts can do. But they do add up and create a world of difference.
For instance, I work with children. I'm a Youth Worker at a youth center and I also teach workshops at schools and orgs. One of the workshops that I teach on a regular basis takes place once a week at a nearby High School. With this particular workshop I go in and teach ripening fruits how to be Spoken Word Poets. But I don't do just that. I teach the importance of confidence, self-esteem, education, knowledge of self, love, appreciation of history, etc. etc. and especially how to attain all of it. One of the problems of the public educational system is that children are told that education, history, literature and other things are important but we don't adequately explain why. They're just told “Because it do what you are told”. I heard that plenty of times while I was in school.
The other day there was a young talented brother that has yet to see the power he possesses within. Every time I hear him speak I can hear a fire burning within him thats ready to destroy all of the statistical data that's ever predicted his now and tomorrow. He stands and birds fear that he too may have discovered the secret of flight. However, he was having difficulty seeing it. The words of his poem refused to make their exit because they kept being held by something many call nervousness. Something I call the unrealized “Superstar” within. Because we're all “Superstars”'s just that some have difficulty realizing this. Teens have it worse because of the bombardment of all things they are expected be, sound, act, and look like. T.V. tells them they need to be sexy, inefficient teachers make them feel dumb and Apple tells them they should have an iPod to be “Cool”. When in reality all they need to be. I took my time talking to him. It turns out that the piece he was performing was just too much for him. I let him know that not every piece should be for others to hear or read. Some need to be kept close to the heart because they are the purest expression of what lies within that heart. After a hug and my reminding him that there is nothing he can't do as long as he wants to do it he decided on another piece and seemed relieved. Those extra minutes that I stayed speaking with him made me a bit late to my Youth Center job...but they had a world of effect on a young man that is not only determined but also destined to be what he dreams of being.
My point is...take that extra minute to say “Good Morning”, pay for someone's coffee (or Chai Tea) because their wallet was left at home, remind a youth you know that he or she can become anything he or she can imagine, help a woman get her 5 cats out of the tree (hey it can happen). That my friends is revolutionary. That mis hermanos and sisters is what allows us to “make a life by what we give” (Winston Churchill).
After my brief meal I hit up the blog world and prepared to write this entry. Then I noticed the blog of an “Hermano En La Struggle”. He submitted words that expressed what many working for the betterment of the world feel. In it he admits that he has come to the realization that he will never be monetarily rich. But that won't change his mission of helping brothers and sisters the world over because that's what will profit his soul. AMEN AND POWER TO YA HERMANO! After reading his entry I recalled a gift that one of my sisters had given me years ago. It's a small plaque that had one of the most motivational phrases I've ever read. “We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give”. OOHHH SNAAAP! My corpus callosum (structure that connects the left and right sides of the brain) trembles at the mere thought of that phrase. Now mind you...this life isn't for everyone. The problem is that some don't see that good can be done one act at a time. Others don't even see the good they do on a daily basis. Some raise their children the right way. Instill respect, honor, and compassion into their seeds. Well guess doing so you've planted a tree that can grow sky high and reflect all that is just. As my “Hermano En La Struggle wrote, all you need to do is one good act at a time. That alone can be revolutionary. If you don't want to do something big well just be nice to people, smile, donate a few hours a month to help out a community org, tutor someone, pick up a coin that someone dropped and say “Here you go sister (or brother)”, don't curse out the person that cut you off and instead pray that he or she is not in such a hurry because his or her loved one is spiritually never know what good small acts can do. But they do add up and create a world of difference.
For instance, I work with children. I'm a Youth Worker at a youth center and I also teach workshops at schools and orgs. One of the workshops that I teach on a regular basis takes place once a week at a nearby High School. With this particular workshop I go in and teach ripening fruits how to be Spoken Word Poets. But I don't do just that. I teach the importance of confidence, self-esteem, education, knowledge of self, love, appreciation of history, etc. etc. and especially how to attain all of it. One of the problems of the public educational system is that children are told that education, history, literature and other things are important but we don't adequately explain why. They're just told “Because it do what you are told”. I heard that plenty of times while I was in school.
The other day there was a young talented brother that has yet to see the power he possesses within. Every time I hear him speak I can hear a fire burning within him thats ready to destroy all of the statistical data that's ever predicted his now and tomorrow. He stands and birds fear that he too may have discovered the secret of flight. However, he was having difficulty seeing it. The words of his poem refused to make their exit because they kept being held by something many call nervousness. Something I call the unrealized “Superstar” within. Because we're all “Superstars”'s just that some have difficulty realizing this. Teens have it worse because of the bombardment of all things they are expected be, sound, act, and look like. T.V. tells them they need to be sexy, inefficient teachers make them feel dumb and Apple tells them they should have an iPod to be “Cool”. When in reality all they need to be. I took my time talking to him. It turns out that the piece he was performing was just too much for him. I let him know that not every piece should be for others to hear or read. Some need to be kept close to the heart because they are the purest expression of what lies within that heart. After a hug and my reminding him that there is nothing he can't do as long as he wants to do it he decided on another piece and seemed relieved. Those extra minutes that I stayed speaking with him made me a bit late to my Youth Center job...but they had a world of effect on a young man that is not only determined but also destined to be what he dreams of being.
My point is...take that extra minute to say “Good Morning”, pay for someone's coffee (or Chai Tea) because their wallet was left at home, remind a youth you know that he or she can become anything he or she can imagine, help a woman get her 5 cats out of the tree (hey it can happen). That my friends is revolutionary. That mis hermanos and sisters is what allows us to “make a life by what we give” (Winston Churchill).
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Another Day en la Oficina
Twas a good day in the life of Sir Latin. Had a rocky start but got through it like a champ and pushed forward to the tasks and mission of the day. The mission which I chose to accept was to head to Harlem and spit the words that get me up in the morning and settle me down at night. Free and I were scheduled to perform for the Youth (Elementary-High School aged children) of “New Settlement Apartments”in the South BRONX! My apologies for the capitals on BRONX! but it's a given rule that when one states a borough from the 5 of NY one must yell that borough out. For instance, I was born in QUEENS....not Queens. To not yell it out is to not rep and I am not going to be the one that doesn't rep his birth place to the FULLEST.
Moving along...the day was filled with workshops for the Youth of the program in observance of World Aids Day. All over the world people came together to discuss the disease that is ravishing our brothers and sisters young and old. A disease that for years has been misunderstood throughout the world. The main goal of the day is to educate and raise awareness. With that goal in mind the “New Settlement Apartments” Youth program did their part in educating our young inner city Youth on the importance of Safe Sex and abstinence. Before our performance I asked some of the youngins what they'd learned. After of a short timid pause hands began to raise up with pride and excitement to express what they'd learned. That's the beauty of Youth. Knowledge is exciting to them. Knowing something and expressing it gives them a rush. I'm sure many of us can recall a day in our lives when we couldn't wait to get home to tell someone about what we'd learned. Some of us forget that rush...others repress it. I hold on to it. Knowledge craves me as I yearn for it because it knows that I'll use it and or push it forward. While I know I need it to survive.
After the builders of now and leaders of tomorrow talked about the importance of safe sex, abstinence and why people should get tested regularly it was time. Free and I then decided to do what we had come to do. Allow our words to resonate through the room and build against inner cerebral walls in the form of neuronal connections. I introduced Free and every other word she uttered caused audience members to yell out supportive “Aha's” followed by the occasional “Tell it Sista”. The crowd of both Youth and Adults roared at the end of Free's piece. She then proceeded to give a brief lesson on the history of Hip Hop and it's importance to our generation. She intro'd me and a silence that amazes me every time flooded the room. It was as if they all knew something was about to happen but they just didn't know what. I performed with the passion that takes over my diaphragm whenever I step on deck and ended with a nearly whispered ....Peace. During my performance my hand had gone up in the air as it usually does but this time I noticed that my watch said they were running over time. We were only able to do one piece each since they began the performance a bit past go time. However, I made sure to let them know “No matter what happens after this performance...not matter what line you remember or forget...don't forget these words...Follow your dreams because only we can stop ourselves on the journey of success...DON'T LET NOTHING OR ANYTHING GET IN THE WAY OF YOUR DREAMS...
Free and I spoke with the event organizers and networked for a bit then headed home. We ate in her car as we discussed the work to be done and when the time came I bid her my Peace and caught my train back Upstate. On the train back I began writing this entry. As I wrote, I thought of the performance and one young brother that stuck out from the rest. His eyes seemed glued to each word Free or I uttered. As I recalled the world that I saw in his eyes I was smacked with the reason for why I do what I do. Because there are young soldiers out there waiting to receive the tools to go out into the battles of reality. Because if I did not I would not be. But most importantly...because of him.
Moving along...the day was filled with workshops for the Youth of the program in observance of World Aids Day. All over the world people came together to discuss the disease that is ravishing our brothers and sisters young and old. A disease that for years has been misunderstood throughout the world. The main goal of the day is to educate and raise awareness. With that goal in mind the “New Settlement Apartments” Youth program did their part in educating our young inner city Youth on the importance of Safe Sex and abstinence. Before our performance I asked some of the youngins what they'd learned. After of a short timid pause hands began to raise up with pride and excitement to express what they'd learned. That's the beauty of Youth. Knowledge is exciting to them. Knowing something and expressing it gives them a rush. I'm sure many of us can recall a day in our lives when we couldn't wait to get home to tell someone about what we'd learned. Some of us forget that rush...others repress it. I hold on to it. Knowledge craves me as I yearn for it because it knows that I'll use it and or push it forward. While I know I need it to survive.
After the builders of now and leaders of tomorrow talked about the importance of safe sex, abstinence and why people should get tested regularly it was time. Free and I then decided to do what we had come to do. Allow our words to resonate through the room and build against inner cerebral walls in the form of neuronal connections. I introduced Free and every other word she uttered caused audience members to yell out supportive “Aha's” followed by the occasional “Tell it Sista”. The crowd of both Youth and Adults roared at the end of Free's piece. She then proceeded to give a brief lesson on the history of Hip Hop and it's importance to our generation. She intro'd me and a silence that amazes me every time flooded the room. It was as if they all knew something was about to happen but they just didn't know what. I performed with the passion that takes over my diaphragm whenever I step on deck and ended with a nearly whispered ....Peace. During my performance my hand had gone up in the air as it usually does but this time I noticed that my watch said they were running over time. We were only able to do one piece each since they began the performance a bit past go time. However, I made sure to let them know “No matter what happens after this performance...not matter what line you remember or forget...don't forget these words...Follow your dreams because only we can stop ourselves on the journey of success...DON'T LET NOTHING OR ANYTHING GET IN THE WAY OF YOUR DREAMS...
Free and I spoke with the event organizers and networked for a bit then headed home. We ate in her car as we discussed the work to be done and when the time came I bid her my Peace and caught my train back Upstate. On the train back I began writing this entry. As I wrote, I thought of the performance and one young brother that stuck out from the rest. His eyes seemed glued to each word Free or I uttered. As I recalled the world that I saw in his eyes I was smacked with the reason for why I do what I do. Because there are young soldiers out there waiting to receive the tools to go out into the battles of reality. Because if I did not I would not be. But most importantly...because of him.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Hermanos and Sisters,
I'm BIZAAACCKKK! I've been away since our U.S. tour but I'm finally back on here and plan on staying here for a while. I've had many writing projects in my mind but before one builds an empire one must start with building oneself. I've been in the stages of doing just that and will be until the day the book of my life closes. However, I've finally gotten to a point in my life where I can sit down and write. And gosh darnit write is exactly what I plan to do.
Some of you may have noticed that you can't find me on Facebook or Myspace anymore. Thats because Facebook decided to delete my account and I decided not to reactivate it. Myspace...well Myspace has always been a source of much aggravation in my life. To avoid the drama and prevent the rampant waste of time in mine and other lives I've decided to remain Facebook and Myspaceless. I'm not knocking either of them or anyone on them... (as a matter of fact you can still hit me up on my group's page But I do feel that having this here blog is the grown and sexy way of communicating with the world. Ju no wa I mean??? Je...ju no wa I mean. So with that written expect to see many an entry relating to the times, thoughts, ideas, realizations, observations and pretty much anything that comes to mind. I hope you read them and enjoy. If you choose not to that's cool too cause I'm going to put words out there anyway. An avid fisherman once told me that it didn't matter whether he caught any fish when fishing. What matters is that while he's fishing....he's at peace.
On that note...Peace, Paz, Salaam,
I'm BIZAAACCKKK! I've been away since our U.S. tour but I'm finally back on here and plan on staying here for a while. I've had many writing projects in my mind but before one builds an empire one must start with building oneself. I've been in the stages of doing just that and will be until the day the book of my life closes. However, I've finally gotten to a point in my life where I can sit down and write. And gosh darnit write is exactly what I plan to do.
Some of you may have noticed that you can't find me on Facebook or Myspace anymore. Thats because Facebook decided to delete my account and I decided not to reactivate it. Myspace...well Myspace has always been a source of much aggravation in my life. To avoid the drama and prevent the rampant waste of time in mine and other lives I've decided to remain Facebook and Myspaceless. I'm not knocking either of them or anyone on them... (as a matter of fact you can still hit me up on my group's page But I do feel that having this here blog is the grown and sexy way of communicating with the world. Ju no wa I mean??? Je...ju no wa I mean. So with that written expect to see many an entry relating to the times, thoughts, ideas, realizations, observations and pretty much anything that comes to mind. I hope you read them and enjoy. If you choose not to that's cool too cause I'm going to put words out there anyway. An avid fisherman once told me that it didn't matter whether he caught any fish when fishing. What matters is that while he's fishing....he's at peace.
On that note...Peace, Paz, Salaam,
I'm Back!!!...Soon.
Damas and Gentlemen,
I have returned to this here blog spot and plan on updating it as much and as often as possible. Please stay tuned for the additions and changes.
Peace, Paz, Salaam,
I have returned to this here blog spot and plan on updating it as much and as often as possible. Please stay tuned for the additions and changes.
Peace, Paz, Salaam,
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