Sunday, January 31, 2010


The tour started yesterday and what a way to start. We spent the day in Queens with Mahina Movement, Olin Imagination, Las Gallas and more. It was a day filled with exercises (as part of the workshop facilitated by Mahina Movement), laughter, fun and connections.

In addition to vibing and creating with everyone we were able to create a Utopian Society within an apt. in Queens. A place where we all shared and did not judge. We listened and did not shut out. We learned and did not impose. It was all about coming together and creating. This was also one of the first sessions we'll be having before we present our theatrical creation to an audience at "El Museo Del Barrio" in NYC on April 17. Check the schedule to the right for more info on this and other events.

At the end of the day everyone was filled with joy...but exhausted. We said our good byes. Thanked everyone for the love (especially Gaby of Mahina Movement who hosted and hooked us up with some bangin food) and hit the road to Hoboken, NJ. That is where our studio is currently located and that is where the magic has been happening. Even though we'd all slept only 5 hours the night before (because we were up late meeting and working on the album) and had just spent an entire day in an amazing workshop we still had magic to make in that studio.

People... this our "Day BEfore Sound" album will have our blood sweat and tears. It'll be the words we tell ourselves for motivation, the stories of our lives and the angst and love we feel for music. Ooohhhh mira. There will be so much new hotness and so many colabo's with other well known and talented artists that u will play it track by track again and again. Day 1 has ended and in the words of everyone from the workshop...


Friday, January 29, 2010

Just Be!

It doesn't matter who u be. Just be you...Be different.Differente mi gente. Don't let someone else decide which road you take. Living someone else's life could be your worst mistake. Walk as you walk, talk as you talk, wear what you wear. Who cares? It's none of your business what others want you to be. Just be different!

Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator, Speaker, Writer
Learn, Educate, Repeat!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

That Road...ohhh that road.

So in a few days the much anticipated "Day Before Sound Tour" begins. Soon I'll be taking that road (on the left) to leave the place I've been calling home for the past couple of years. Who would have thought? That I'd be going on a tour across the nation teaching Youth Workshops, Professional Development workshops and Performing. Doing things that I love doing. Seeing new places, meeting new people and passing on various "pearls of wisdom that have been passed down to me.

Years ago, I wouldn't have even thought that I'd be living on this road. The roads I knew were actually streets and they were both impoverished and filled with desperation in the eyes of those that walked them. Streets in Queens, Bronx and Puerto Rico (on the island they're called las calles. Streets that I once called home are now the streets that I work to rebuild. The Youth I'll be working with have much of the same desperation in their eyes that I once had in mine. Desperation that has now been filled with hope, love, knowledge and belief in self.

Who am I not take that road and work with those young people. Quien seria yo to not drive down in and walk up on stages to spit the lines that have kept me inhaling for better tomorrows and exhaling the pains of given yesterdays. WHO AM I TO NOT GIVE BACK! The "Day Before Sound Tour" starts soon. Though I'll miss my loves here dearly. I'll be building up spirits as I build my own. Because every heart one helps to rebuild strengthens ones own.

Learn, Educate, Repeat,

Monday, January 25, 2010

Que Mundito

Our world...a place with love and hate. Fear and courage. Filled with sadness and joy. Our world filled with life. "Live not for which is green and re-begin living for which is your being"

Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator, Speaker, Writer
Learn, Educate, Repeat!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Que Rico

Inhaling as the smell of my arroz con habichuelas permeates the air that surrounds me. Thought of tasting it...but sometimes its best to wait until love overwhelms before enjoying it's sabor. Na Mean?

Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator, Speaker, Writer
Learn, Educate, Repeat!