Friday, June 4, 2010

Time Oh Time...

I've had a lot of...I mean, too much down time on my hands. Myself and the rest of the ReadNex Poetry Squad are still technically on tour but currently at our homes. I've been facilitating workshops in schools like Rondout, Highland, Kingston and a couple in Newburgh. The workshops don't last for more than 2 hours max and I usually only teach one a day. Leaving me with waaayyy too many awake hours alone.

The Day Before Sound Album Release Party and our 3rd Annual Hip Hop Seasons Festival recently took place. Fortunately, they were both wonderfully successful. Both were big and important events that we all worked very hard preparing for. Now that they've past I'm back to mucho free time.

For the most part my day is spent walking around my apartment talking to myself or "Sunshine" the Parakeet who doesn't want anything to do with me. Her preference is the bell toy that she roughly seduces throughout the day...I know.

During this time I've come to a few realizations. One...I need some more friends. The group is cool and all but everyone is busy in their own world and no one seems to have much time for me these days. Two...I have no hobbies and need some. Even if I become the weird guy that loves train sets it would be better than my fascination with "The People's Court"...I realized I sometimes unconsciously plan my day around when its on so that I can find out what ridiculous litigants Judge Milian yells at next. Three...I need a pet that likes playing with its owner more than it rubs itself against cling clanging toys. I mean come ooonnn. How often does she need to whistle the disco version of "Ring My Bell"?

Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator, Speaker, Writer
Learn, Educate, Repeat!

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