Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Free is Getting a Blog!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Latin Translator
Poet, Educator, Speaker, Host, Writer
Friday, July 2, 2010
On that roooaaad agaaaiiiinnn...
I've started to like the available ears 24 hours a day. The open minds. The laughter and incessant chatter of hilarity, political discourse, and life's journey. Waking to a different place every few hours while meeting and building bonds with new persons at each stop. The performing on new stages for new crowds in new venues. The good food made by chef's 1, 2 and whatever new temporary or restaurant chef we encounter. The late night convo's with other artists living the dream of performing out of love and the (at times annoying) feeling that this is why he or she has been given breath. The ever changing scenes out of the van's windows (much better than anything currently on TV). The knowledge gained not only of the locations current events or history but also the knowledge gained by saying hello to someone and hearing their story. Learning of his or her path, the lessons learned and the journey's of their ancestors. What gets me the most is realizing that we are all on a journey...taking different routes but on a journey none the less. All this and more makes me wonder if I'm meant to be a nomad.
Latin Translator
Poet, Educator, Speaker, Host, Writer
Friday, June 18, 2010
Ooooo I aughta!
So I'm cranky wanky and I'm mad at the world. Mad at economy. At BP and their stuck up CEO's. Mad at my Bank Account and the laughing sound the atm's make every time I make a withdrawal (How and when did they install that damn laughing voice. It sounds like Homer Simpson's laugh on acid). Mad at that damn bird of mine and her anti-social behavior (knowledge of her treating me like my Middle School GF wasn't in the dang Parakeet pamphlet at the petshop...I know...I'm over it) Mad at my hair (one a dem days). Mad at my current career (all good...but damnit if it isn't difficult to build a home on a foundation made of uncharted waters). Mad at the women that de-humanize me by whistling and pinching my butt when I walk by. (Not that it happens...but come on!).
I had this bad Goonie Goo Goo (watch Eddie Murphy's Delirious) on me from the morning. Anything my lady said...no matter how sweet or unrelated to me it was I wanted to snap back with sarcasm (I didn't...but I wanted to). Got an e-mail from my one of group members and I wanted to respond with a few Spanish curse words (Spanish...because it just feels so much more powerful).
Now though...5:11pm. I'm feeling better. Went to gym. Got my blood flowing, some additional oxygen to my brain, woke myself up a bit. Feeling much better. Ready to hit up Harlem and do up the stage at Lyrical Revolt. Looking forward to dancing with my Queen tonight. Excited about heading to Detroit on Sunday...amazing what a good workout will do. Sometimes (like this time) the gym is my friend and provides the therapy I need (except for the dudes that walk around butt naked. Put on a towel or something people! I'm tired of having to look away. Usually I just take my glasses off but still). Yeah that made me MAD too.
Latin Translator
Poet, Educator, Speaker, Host, Writer
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
[SUSPECTED SPAM] La Naturaleza
Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator, Speaker, Writer
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Weekends are goooood!
Saturday (after all the bugging out...quite literally too cause living in the woods has been producing many fascinating creatures in my apt. this year) we filmed the school scenes of our Music Video for our new single "Be Dif'Rent". We took a classroom at Mount Saint Mary College and filled it up with Youth we've worked with over the years. Some were family members too (I was upset my nephew backed out. Was really hoping to share this with him) like Jarabe's & DJ H2O's cousins. At least I got to bring some of my Nex 2 B Read Club Youth. I was so proud of all of them and how confident they were in the shoot. Made me wanna tear in a "ohh look at how you've grown kind of way". I didn't though. Or did I?! Didn't. Some of them even acted in certain roles that I chose them for...they did amazingly. My young actors I tell ya. These Youth had me cracking up all day.
After fun day with a whooolle lotta Youth Energy I was exhausted. But still had energy. Weird I know. That's what a great group of Youthful minds and spirits will do to ya. Tis why I love my work. Soooo when my Queen finally showed up (she had a long but fun day herself with her "familja"(not mispelled its family in Albanian broaded your horizons people...or get yourself an Albanian woman. They can be bit crazy but amazing. Lot of crazy. Well at least mine. Maybe not crazy...let's say eccentric...nope crazy it is). We went dancing on the Waterfront. We had a blast, dancing, talking, walking and then eating onion rings at diner. She's so much fun and I couldn't stop looking at her. She looked the Bang! Better than the Bomb cause that's the sound bombs make... Bang. Or Boom. You get it. I hang out with her and its like no one is there. Not even the crackhead that was acting mad suspicious near us before I decided to get us out of area. Nor the girl that almost got beat up cause she danced with dude while "his woman" went to bathroom...I feel like...he should have gotten threatened not the "other woman". He knows...other woman didn't "seem" to know.
Sunday I spent chillin, relaxing, meditating and prepping a special E-zine (I'm the Editor of Social ISsUes E-mail Zine) promoting an event we're having Saturday in El Bronx. It's gonna be day 2 of filming and we need 50 people to sit in audience for free show and some light comida. If ya'll interested do like Ja Rule says and "Holla Holla"...oh Mr. Rule u were so much fun in a someone should have passed you a halls kind a way.
Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator, Speaker, Writer
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Time Oh Time...
The Day Before Sound Album Release Party and our 3rd Annual Hip Hop Seasons Festival recently took place. Fortunately, they were both wonderfully successful. Both were big and important events that we all worked very hard preparing for. Now that they've past I'm back to mucho free time.
For the most part my day is spent walking around my apartment talking to myself or "Sunshine" the Parakeet who doesn't want anything to do with me. Her preference is the bell toy that she roughly seduces throughout the day...I know.
During this time I've come to a few realizations. One...I need some more friends. The group is cool and all but everyone is busy in their own world and no one seems to have much time for me these days. Two...I have no hobbies and need some. Even if I become the weird guy that loves train sets it would be better than my fascination with "The People's Court"...I realized I sometimes unconsciously plan my day around when its on so that I can find out what ridiculous litigants Judge Milian yells at next. Three...I need a pet that likes playing with its owner more than it rubs itself against cling clanging toys. I mean come ooonnn. How often does she need to whistle the disco version of "Ring My Bell"?
Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator, Speaker, Writer
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator, Speaker, Writer
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
WMC, Biz Markie, Sleeping in the Sand and DJ H2OOooooo!
DJ H2O competed in 2 distinct competitions at the 25th Annual Winter Music Conference. Though he didn't make top 3 he rocked the crowds and made plenty of connections with DJ's from all over the planet. He also got plenty of ideas and will soon be spinning even more of his usual "Fuego" for crowds all over.
While in the area we drove to & performed at RJ's in West Palm Beach. Oooeee...the love we got from the beautiful people there is unforgettable. DJ H2O's sets were CRAZY and Latin had the audience hysterical with some impromptu Stand Up comedy. We always make sure our performances have a diverse mixture ensuring that audiences are edu-tained.
A few final steps on the board walk, some final tastes of Floridian Cuban food, a couple last dance moves and we're on route home. "Here we go!"...or as Floridians would say "Here we go!"...cause they're not that different.
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
For booking info e-mail us at...
For more info on The Day Before Sound Tour, our workshops or performances
e-mail us at...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Welcome to MIAMI!
DJ H20 competed today in his first of two very intense competitions at the 25th Annual Winter Music Conference. The art displayed today was that of blending and tomorrow it'll be all about scratching. Though he did not qualify in today's top 3 he was by far one of the most impressive competitors to leave his mark in the judges ears. We did a lot of networking and even reconnected with a few as well (including the revolutionary and talented DJ Chela).
The journey to get here (all the way from NY) was a long, fun and fruitful one. We left NY soon after a professional development workshop in Queens. There we again taught how to use Hip Hop and Poetry in after school programming and both inspired and empowered a group of young youth workers. A few days later In Frederiksburg, VA we ate at the beautiful and recently opened La Palmas Cafe. This Puerto Rican restaurant is the only one of it's kind in an area that still has a slave auction block memorialized a block down. After eating there and chatting it up with the owners we performed a night of Poetry and Salsa. Despues de our performance DJ H2O spun the Salsa party and we gave some Salsa lessons throughout the night. When the last leg was moved and body twirled we rested up and drove further South ending up in Charleston, South Carolina.
There we linked up with some people at a not-for profit artist space called "Outer Space". We didn't expect to perform that night either but ended up having a lively audience to rock for a cappella style. The crowd was hyped to hear a cappella versions of our tracks (we just clapped and beatboxed it out) and once again many uttered "We wish ya could be here more often...this town needs ya." Always good to hear that what one does is needed by the people.
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
For booking info e-mail us at...
For more info on The Day Before Sound Tour, our workshops or performances
e-mail us at...
Monday, March 22, 2010
Flat Tire and Jarabe Singing to AAA Guy!
For booking info e-mail us at...
For more info on The Day Before Sound Tour, our workshops or performances
e-mail us at...
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Day Before Sound Tour
Go to
Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator, Speaker, Writer
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Home for a few weeks...
Poet, Host, Educator, Speaker, Writer
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Las Calles de Tour
Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator, Speaker, Writer
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Great Start!
(really good). We started it off by joining Mahina Movement, Ollin Imagination and Las Gallas in a creativity workshop (Thank You Mahina Movement for hosting the workshop, space and delicious comida). The goal of this workshop was to develop ideas for our performance at El Museo Del Barrio on April 17th. This one is going to be truly inspiring & have you glued to your seat...but how could it not be considering the lineup. Afterwards we headed up to Troy (NY Capital Region) to facilitate some youth workshops. For 2 days we worked with 2 different groups of youth. The reaction was wonderful. The Youth were having a blast & at the same time learned new ways to use their emotions. At the end of the workshop one of the Youth gave a paper clip to Jarabe and when Jarabe asked him what it was the boy said "whatever you make it to be"...Deeeep. On the first night of being in Troy we did our thing at an Open Mic in Albany. While there we revitalized the audience with performances and connected with a few of the night's artists. After 2 days of workshops and a performance we facilitated another workshop for the lively teens of El Puente Leadership Center in Brooklyn, NY. By the end of it we had the Youth sharing their poetic creations with pride and confidence in their eyes. All of this and week one isn't even over yet.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
In addition to vibing and creating with everyone we were able to create a Utopian Society within an apt. in Queens. A place where we all shared and did not judge. We listened and did not shut out. We learned and did not impose. It was all about coming together and creating. This was also one of the first sessions we'll be having before we present our theatrical creation to an audience at "El Museo Del Barrio" in NYC on April 17. Check the schedule to the right for more info on this and other events.
At the end of the day everyone was filled with joy...but exhausted. We said our good byes. Thanked everyone for the love (especially Gaby of Mahina Movement who hosted and hooked us up with some bangin food) and hit the road to Hoboken, NJ. That is where our studio is currently located and that is where the magic has been happening. Even though we'd all slept only 5 hours the night before (because we were up late meeting and working on the album) and had just spent an entire day in an amazing workshop we still had magic to make in that studio.
People... this our "Day BEfore Sound" album will have our blood sweat and tears. It'll be the words we tell ourselves for motivation, the stories of our lives and the angst and love we feel for music. Ooohhhh mira. There will be so much new hotness and so many colabo's with other well known and talented artists that u will play it track by track again and again. Day 1 has ended and in the words of everyone from the workshop...
Friday, January 29, 2010
Just Be!
Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator, Speaker, Writer
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
That Road...ohhh that road.

So in a few days the much anticipated "Day Before Sound Tour" begins. Soon I'll be taking that road (on the left) to leave the place I've been calling home for the past couple of years. Who would have thought? That I'd be going on a tour across the nation teaching Youth Workshops, Professional Development workshops and Performing. Doing things that I love doing. Seeing new places, meeting new people and passing on various "pearls of wisdom that have been passed down to me.
Years ago, I wouldn't have even thought that I'd be living on this road. The roads I knew were actually streets and they were both impoverished and filled with desperation in the eyes of those that walked them. Streets in Queens, Bronx and Puerto Rico (on the island they're called las calles. Streets that I once called home are now the streets that I work to rebuild. The Youth I'll be working with have much of the same desperation in their eyes that I once had in mine. Desperation that has now been filled with hope, love, knowledge and belief in self.
Who am I not take that road and work with those young people. Quien seria yo to not drive down in and walk up on stages to spit the lines that have kept me inhaling for better tomorrows and exhaling the pains of given yesterdays. WHO AM I TO NOT GIVE BACK! The "Day Before Sound Tour" starts soon. Though I'll miss my loves here dearly. I'll be building up spirits as I build my own. Because every heart one helps to rebuild strengthens ones own.
Learn, Educate, Repeat,
Monday, January 25, 2010
Que Mundito
Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator, Speaker, Writer
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Que Rico
Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator, Speaker, Writer
Learn, Educate, Repeat!