Soooo it looks like Humanistic Multicultural Ed. might not be for me after all. Ohh what a world of idealism I live in. Ya see... I've always wanted to help people. To build myself up like a Phoenix raising from the ashes and then raise others along whatever path I walk. This is and has for a very long time been my life goal. My purpose.
The interesting thing is that I think the dream began with Edward Olmos. That intense yet rather not good looking (at least not for me...then again I prefer the laaadies " Giggity Giggity AAAAAAlllriiiight") man stood tall and strong in the movie "Stand and Deliver".
If you haven't seen that movie then you need to go somewhere and get it now...I'll wait...WILL YOU HURRY UP I'VE GOT A BLOG TO WRITE! Ok so get it later. Anyway, I watched it with my sisters and as I watched it I had an epiphany. I am Latino! I am strong and no one can stop me but myself. This new found perception was furthered every day I watched my older sisters leave our project apartment in business attire with briefcases and a determination in their eyes to get themselves and their family to the promised land. Ever since then I've fought to educate myself for a better tomorrow.
Everyday I'd ask myself; who am I to not fight for a better tomorrow for myself and others when my ancestors fought for me to be in the position that I'm in today. When Mami y Papi worked hhhaaaarrrddd for me and my sisters to never go without a meal. We might not have had the nicest things or the coolest cars but we had food, love, a place to live and each other.
Boooyyyyy am I off topic...I'll get back on subject next time.
Peace, Paz, Salaam,
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
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