Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator, Speaker, Writer
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
A donde?
Friday, September 11, 2009
A dormir
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Working En Un Dream...
Throughout the months of sun I've pondered on where my path might lie rather than where I shall go. For a path has already been cut for us all...we only need walk it once it is found. I've sat in utter despair as ancestral spirits caress my mind leading the way. As the voices of brothers and sisters lead a way they know not of. "I am from a people destined to be contrary to Master's expectations and the opposite of Media's representation". I have been granted gifts that remain unused. Gifts that I have yet to pass on while the hands of time are not deterred. Easy it is not and musn't be for if it were the end of the journey would not taste as sweet. Regardless of time, difficulty, or the horrific fear that abounds within...
I must and shall be!
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Buscalo Y Lo Encontraras
Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Sigue Forward
Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Wonder Moments
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Be Poetically Free
Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Monday, June 1, 2009
I Back
I know it's been a while but I'm back. They'll be more frequent updates from now on. A lot of good and many blessinga have been bestowed upon me. Please free to comment on them as well. Even if you're not a Blogger member.
Peace, Paz, Salaam,
Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Searching For Paz
Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Colgate and Chi-Town 1
Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Latin Translator
Poet, Host, Educator
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Thoughts On Where I Am
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
This Is Going to Be A Great Event!

Ladies and Gentlemen,
If you're going to be in the Hudson Valley this Friday then you have got to check out this event. If you are not in the Hudson Valley this Friday then you have to get over there or you'll miss some of the most moving poetic performances you've ever seen and heard.
This Friday 3/6/09 from 7-9pm the
"Nex 2 B Read Club KHS Chapter" will be performing Spoken Word Poetry at the Kingston YMCA. These young students have been writing and performing original pieces for months and now is your chance to check them out. If you have ever felt that today's youth is lost... come see otherwise. If you have ever felt like someone has to support them... come do so. If you have ever wanted to hear some powerful and moving words then this Friday is your chance.
Hosted by Latin Translator with DJ H20 spinning on the 1's and 2's. There'll also be possible performances by other members of the ReadNex Poetry Squad and a short dance party at the end. Be there or miss out on an amazing event for a wonderful cause. The cause of supporting our youth because without them there is no tomorrow.
Date: Friday, 3/6/09
Venue: Kingston YMCA
Address: 507 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401
(Go through main entrance in the rear half of the building where the main parking lot is)
Time: 7-9pm
Price: Young Students $3 donation, Adults $5 donation
(Door Proceeds go to the Nex 2 Be Read Club KHS Chapter)
This event is for all ages!
For more info E-mail Latin at
Latin works with this group of students every Wednesday afternoon and is extremely proud of them. Be sure to come out and see why!
Monday, March 2, 2009
MSW hmmmm.

Soooo it looks like Humanistic Multicultural Ed. might not be for me after all. Ohh what a world of idealism I live in. Ya see... I've always wanted to help people. To build myself up like a Phoenix raising from the ashes and then raise others along whatever path I walk. This is and has for a very long time been my life goal. My purpose.
The interesting thing is that I think the dream began with Edward Olmos. That intense yet rather not good looking (at least not for me...then again I prefer the laaadies " Giggity Giggity AAAAAAlllriiiight") man stood tall and strong in the movie "Stand and Deliver".
If you haven't seen that movie then you need to go somewhere and get it now...I'll wait...WILL YOU HURRY UP I'VE GOT A BLOG TO WRITE! Ok so get it later. Anyway, I watched it with my sisters and as I watched it I had an epiphany. I am Latino! I am strong and no one can stop me but myself. This new found perception was furthered every day I watched my older sisters leave our project apartment in business attire with briefcases and a determination in their eyes to get themselves and their family to the promised land. Ever since then I've fought to educate myself for a better tomorrow.
Everyday I'd ask myself; who am I to not fight for a better tomorrow for myself and others when my ancestors fought for me to be in the position that I'm in today. When Mami y Papi worked hhhaaaarrrddd for me and my sisters to never go without a meal. We might not have had the nicest things or the coolest cars but we had food, love, a place to live and each other.
Boooyyyyy am I off topic...I'll get back on subject next time.
Peace, Paz, Salaam,
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Ode to My BlackBerry lol
As soon as I see her upon awakening I have no choice but to awaken her as well. She immediately updates me on all that I need to know. I barely even have to ask.Many of you must be wondering how her communicating abilities are. Let me tell that we understand each other perfectly. It's like the feel of my fingers let her know how I feel and her tone informs me of her.
HER BODY! Wow her body. She is curvy like no other but firm where she needs to be. Her measurements...8...3...2...0. Giggity giggity. I call her Berry. And now that I have will never be the same.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
We are not now...We are an amalgamation of before...
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
That's What It Looks Like...And This Is What It Feels Like!

So Saturday night the ReadNex featured for a packed house at the Julia DeBurgos Cultural Center over on 1680 Lexington Ave. The event was Lyrical Revolt 10: A Celebrations of Hip Hop. The ANSWER Coalition put it together as a benefit concert featuring the 4 Elements of Hip Hop. The ANSWER Coalition is an org that "mobiliz[es] against all wars from Brooklyn to Baghdad. It was a pleasure and an honor to work with them on such a valuable and worthwhile cause. Other features of the night were the crowd rousing Rebel Diaz were the lyrical mindblowing Hassan Salaam. If you were'nt there...WOW I Mean.. WOWIE! did you miss an amazing event.
All night I had butterflies. I didn't know what was going on. It was like all of the drama that I've been dealing with (family, money, workshops...the usual) throughout the past few weeks built up inside of me that day and evening. My mind kept dwelling on what had to be done. The work that I'd have to do to push myself forward. The endless work that has to be down to uplift mi gente of all shapes, colors and locations. It all built up inside and created within me a dense fog the size of a single mom's determination. I couldn't think, hear, eat, taste, feel or be the man that I normally be. Then...lo que paso, paso.
It was time! Osiris (one of the hosts and event organizers) announced us and we had no choice but to grab the mics, allow DJ H20 to get in position and rock the crowd with words, music and truth in the hopes that the sun could shine for just a little longer. After that I recall little. I hear that we were amazing. The photos I've seen show intense passion in each one of our faces. Psychologists call what I experienced "Flow". The point in which the mind looses itself in an activity so much that time, feelings, thoughts and everything else suddenly stops. When I perform sometimes...I experience exactlly that. Everything stops. I see no faces...hear no sounds...I merely feel energy and a presence both within and around me. When I walk towards a micrphone it feels like walking on a cloud and knowing that at some point the weight of your body will bring you crashing down. But when I grab the mic...I float. Peace comes to me. No...I become Peace. Afterwards people shake my hand and or pat me on the back as they tell me how great the performance was. I usually find myself in a state of confusion. Not knowing what occured. Not sure that what just happened indeed did happen. All that I'm sure that I'm alive.
That is one of the reasons I do what I do. Why I educate our Youth on how to use Poetry as a means of expression. Speak about issues that I feel strongly about. Perform pieces that were given to me by a power above me. Because as my life bring thoughts in others to life...they revive and purify all of my being.
Learn, Educate, Repeat!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
All Good.
Peace, Paz, Salaam,
Friday, February 6, 2009
Congratulations! You're Human! Keep Swimming!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Don't Do It!
Those of you that think you can't go any further...stop thinking that.
For the many that think this is it...think again.
We can do this. No matter what it is you are working through you can succeed. Just push and push until you need to push again. Go forward because you can. Because there were many that fought for you to be right where you are now. Go forward because if you go back a little boy or little girl will think hmmm.
Sigue, Sigue, Il suit, Il suit!
Go on and push on further because that voice in your head that's saying you should give up is the voice of Fear. You are stronger, than Fear ever could be. You may have not realized it but you are. So push and push and push. The moment you think you should stop push again.
Pa'Lante Brothers and Hermanas...Pa'Lante!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Time Is Now
Believe that we as a people can be what needs to be. That we can uplift ourselves to hire plateaus than the ones dreamt of by those before us and by ourselves. That we can lend not one but both hands. So that one can heal wounds with one as the other guides our brothers and sisters to safety. All while our feet remain firm in our pursuit of greatness.
We now more then ever in the history of human existence must remain united. United so that we can fulfill the inevitable good that has been destined from the moment love came to be. United because the annals of history have clearly stated that separation goes hand and hand with failure. Believe no longer that the sole care of self leads to greatness. For it is the love of self, while embracing the necessity of unity and diversity that makes a man or woman great.
Do not forget the greatness that lies within us all. And be sure to imagine and make true what can be if our souls, love and existence pursue what our minds have for too long merely thought of and feared.
For all that know me and for those that do not… I embrace you with these words.
Peace, Paz, Salaam,
May God Bless us all.
P.S. Big Up To President Barack H. Obama. You have accomplished a dream of many. Those dreams now lay in both yours and our hands. Lead us well.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Grad School Aqui Voy
Madame speaker of the Hood, Dude that spits reality and all the children of the's official. I have commenced the process of applying to Grad School. I know this because $50 have been deducted from my account. And let me tell you. If I pay $50 for something, I'm going all the way with it. Oh yeah, I will get three letters of recommendation from professors that can and will vouch for my ability to be in Grad School. I will get the money to have transcripts sent over to the SUNY New Paltz Grad school. Oh yes...I will write an essay stating how the experience will further my career. Don't think I won't slap a stamp on a folder and send that mother lover away. Just watch me with my bad self as I get into Grad School. Graduate with a degree in Humanistic Multi-cultural Education and begin Humanistically Educating Multi-Cultural populations.
In other news, another 13 weeks have been approved for the "Nex 2 Be Read Club KHS Chapter". Which means that I shall be meeting with my students (That's right...I have students) and passing on to them what I know. Isn't that something. A group of young sponges yearning for someone to tell them "What it is" and I get the opportunity to do so. I also have a couple of workshops this month and the ReadNex shall be meeting to discuss the 09. What a lovely time this is to be a neuron in my brain. How joyous each neuron must be to be transferring fantastic loads of information via neurotransmitters through my synapses. Oh what a time it is my good friends. What a time it is...
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Lost In Reality
Happy New Year everyone...lets just hope that 2008 doesn't decide to come back and that 2009 doesn't tick us off as much as 08 did.
Peace, Paz, Salaam,